An Explanation

This is something.

But what it is we do not know.

All we know is that it will eventually be something else entirely.

But for now, this is all that this particular something is.

We hope you enjoy it.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Today is November 1st

Halloween is over, and I didn't get any free candy. I did see a fun-size milky way sitting on the ground outside the CVS. However, deciding that it was most definitely poisoned, I didn't partake in its celestial fusion of chocolate and what-ever-the-hell else is in a milky way these days.
Later, I saw some lady dressed up as a fireman, but when I asked her the primary method of egress during a multi-level burn, she just stared at me. Fireman indeed.

There's a young mouse slowly dying under the radiator in our living room. He tragically found his way to the sticky rat trap a roommate set out. Apparently sunflower seeds are a delicacy worth the risk of one's life. I'm glad all they cost me is a dollar fifteen at 7-11. I discovered the little guy about two days ago when I investigated this strange squeaking noise I heard while watching reruns of the Colbert Report. I peered under the whitewashed radiator and found the creature completely adhered to the adhesive. It appeared that in an attempt to free a leg through the use of leverage, the mouse permanently glued his face down. I picked up the trap and the mouse squirmed wildly. Not knowing what to do, I put the occupied trap back where I found it.
Out of sight, out of mind, right?

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