An Explanation

This is something.

But what it is we do not know.

All we know is that it will eventually be something else entirely.

But for now, this is all that this particular something is.

We hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Gone Gone Gone

So jim is gone. That means he hates all of you. And by all of you i mean me, since i'm the only person who reads this.

Did you know that you can listen to hardcore through theatre speakers when you work in a video lab and nobody else is there?

Yes I did know that, cuz I did it. Next question.

Why can't you find a girl?

They're all out chasing heroes. We're just a wrecking crew, bored boys with nothing to do.

Did you come up with that yourself?

No, it's an adolescents song.

Are they your favorite band?

That's a stupid thing to ask. Next question.

Why are you writing this?

I'm bored at work. Gimcrack needs my attention.

What is 'gimcrack?'

A gimcrack is something that is showy, but ultimately useless. It was the original name of this blog, but was already taken.

You have a big vocabulary--

The internet has a big vocabulary.

I see. Do you store all your knowledge on the internet?

I try not to have any knowledge. In the rare instance when I need to know something, I consult the ultimate source of everything, the internet.

Is this interview over?

Yes. Please close the door on your way out.

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